Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Photographic Manipulation

I created this image by using multiple enlargers all with different films in, by moving my photo paper from one enlarger to the next and covering up and exposing different parts of the paper i was able to achieve this print. (after many attempts) I am very interested in the work of Photographer Jerry N. Uelsmann and his way of working using multiple prints to make one, I will be experimenting further with multiple printing myself.

Bike Track

bike track �by� ryanhallett

Graffiti Documentary

Here is a short documentary I made featuring a young Graffiti Artist From mid Devon, in witch he talks about his work, How Graffiti is seen by the public, the roll it plays in society and much more. Hope you enjoy Ryan.

Shoe box track by ryanhallett

Shoe box track �by� ryanhallett This is the track that I made from the recordings that I took from my shoe box, read posts below for further details, hope you enjoy thanks Ryan.

Shoe box

This is the shoe box that I have used to take the photos and create the sounds in the posts below. In this image the shoe box is full of rice with the microphone inside of it.


Here is the contact microphone that I made so that I was able to record my sounds from within the box.


Here I have rapped the box with elastic bands so that I could use it like a guitar.

Shoe Box film

This is a short edit I made using the images that i captured from my pinhole camera (shoe box in post above) The sound track has also been made from recordings that i made of the shoe box, I used the shoe box as an instrument to make different sounds. These sounds included filling the box with objects and using it as a shaker, (rice, cornflakes, coins etc) using it as a drum, rapping elastic bands around and using it like a guitar etc. I then speeded up, slowed down and played some of the sounds in revers to create my final track.

Pinhole Images

Here are the images that i captured using my pinhole camera. I decided to use a marine theme for this project and used my push bike as a form of transport to travel around to see what i could find. Click on the images to see them larger.

A weekend of trails

This Is an edit i made from a weekend at the start of the summer 2009 (before all the rain) its been up on youtube for while but I decide to upload it onto vimeo for a little better quality. It was filmed at Tartan down trails and at a friends trails, (Fergs) hope you enjoy and roll on next summer.

Dom Hill BMX Edit

This is an edit of a friend of mine, (Dom Hill) I ride quite alot with Dom and its always a good time. This edit was filmed out at Tartan Down Trails and Central park skate park Plymouth. Hope you enjoy, Ryan

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Bens edit

This is a section of a skateboarder friend (Ben Watson) I made a few years ago.

Monday, 2 November 2009

First Post

Hello and welcome to my first post on this blog, I've Created this blog to show examples of my ongoing work in Film, Photography and sound. I aim to use this blog as a tool for sharing my ideas and gaining feedback on my work, so pls feel free to leave comments and let me Know what you think of my work and ideas. Thanks Ryan.